Men Fashion Urban Leather Jacket | men fashion,urban leather jacket

Men Fashion Urban Leather Jacket | urban leather jacket

Men fashion Urban leather jacket is a high-quality men fashion canvas/leather jacket, which has been designed to create an edgy street look. The canvas has gone through the process of being dyed, sprayed and waxed (two-tone) to achieve the unique urban look, the leather on the sleeve has been washed and then waxed finished. It has a small standalone collar with an adjustable leather buckle strap it has a front metal zip fastening with an adjustable canvas buckle strap. It has two side zip pockets and high zip sleeve cuffs.

いますぐゲット¥28,000.00ためのニッキー・ヘイデンWSBK 2017レザーレーシンググローブI

それが見て、あなたの乗り心地を完璧にするあらゆる目を感動させることを確認するために、革のレーシンググローブの特別に設計された記事。 最高の安全と快適対策を提供します。 ニッキー・ヘイデンは、今年2017年にこれを着ていました。